Student Body Overview

The great diversity at IUJ makes classroom discussions rich and mind opening to other ways of approaching the same problems. Discussions often spill over into the dorm lounges and kitchens making campus life quite special. While a majority of the students are from the greater Asian region (From Fiji to Uzbekistan), students from the African continent, The Americas, and Europe are also well represented on campus. This chart shows our full time students (without exchange and special students) to give you an idea of the campus makeup.

Distribution of Current Students

Come join our community and become an IUJ family member!

As students graduate and return to their home countries or stay in Japan for employment, campus encourages their friendships and professional networks to grow and expand through the various Alumni Activities. Alumni come from over 130 countries and have groups on LinkedIn and Facebook, not to mention the IUJ maintained official online directory (For Alumni Access only).