Japan-Global Development Program (JGDP)
The Japan-Global Development Program (JGDP) is a two-year master’s program offered jointly by the GSIR and GSIM to provide students the opportunity to learn universal development and growth logic in the fields of politics, economy, and management, using Japan’s experiences in economic development and corporate growth as basic case materials.
The JGDP is not intended as a program to train Japan specialists. The logic and lessons from Japan’s experience, both successes and failures, from the 19th Century to date will help future leaders from abroad when they have to think about their strategy for development back home. Thus, the logic behind Japan’s experience can be applied to various global scenarios. That is why we call this program the Japan-Global Development Program. The JGDP enables Japanese students to explain their country’s development logically when they go abroad and helps them to play an active role as global leaders.