Please help out by volunteering for one or several of our many needs: new student recruitment, current student career support (advisory, placement, skills awareness), donations, etc.. To volunteer online, please go to the Online Directory and update your records! Or contact campus alumni at iuj.ac.jp Here is how you can get involved – and we hope you do!
Alumni Introductory Incentives: 70-80% tuition reduction vouchers!
Give the gift of learning through the VOUCHERS program. Alumni can help those you know attend IUJ with a guaranteed* scholarship if accepted into a master’s level degree program for 2025 enrollment
Accepted applicants remain eligible for full or upgraded scholarships as well!
- Voucher for immediate family (child or spouse) of Alumni (80% tuition reduction)
- Voucher for others in the Alumni Network (extended family, colleagues, etc) (70% tuition reduction)
*Guarantee is for the first year of study. Scholarship is renewable for the 2nd year based on solid academic performance in the first year. Applicants remain eligible for upgraded scholarships from ADB-JSP, JERA, AEON1%, KMMF, and others. See the scholarship guide for details.
How to use the Voucher
- Download a voucher (by Alumni)
- Fill in the voucher with necessary info. (by Alumni)
- Send the voucher to applicant(s) (by Alumni) *Up to two applicants per alumni
- Send the voucher to the IUJ Admission Office by email before completing the application process (by Applicant)
Vouchers submitted after the application process has been completed will not be accepted.
Applicants need to send their voucher to the admission office during the application process.
IUJ Ambassadors
IUJ needs Alumni willing to answer questions from prospective students. Prospective students want to talk to someone in their career field or from their country before deciding on IUJ. Can you help us? Contact the the team, and Volunteer as an IUJ Ambassador at info@iuj.ac.jp or click the appropriate button on the Online Alumni Directory in your PROFILE in the Volunteers section.
Some Ambassadors host Informal Info Sessions in key cities, or on ZOOM, giving prospective students the chance to interact with alumni and learn about IUJ from presentations, conversations and Q&A time. The following information is provided to the Ambassador hosts.
For Ambassador’s assisting with New Student Recruitment events, ask for helpful resources.
Mentor Programs
In Spring 2009 we created a Global Women’s Mentor Network. This more formal program than the earlier A-CAN program, matches IUJ current female students with female alumni for academic advice and guidance while the student is at IUJ, and for their job hunt as they prepare to leave IUJ. IUJ women are encouraged to volunteer and get involved – there are over 125 volunteers.
Since 2021 we are redeveloping this program and are looking for your ideas, input and involvement!
Similarly, in Spring 2010, we created the IUJ Men’s Mentor Program to match our male students with male alumni for long-term support: Advice on how to use their IUJ days to develop their career, how to network, advice on resumes, etc. We have over 300 volunteers as of Summer 2021. Contact Gretchen if you can get involved.
Career Services Support
If you can create an internship in your office (wherever you are in the world) OR if you have a job opening in your office or company, please inform Career Services. Here are some more details
Supplementing to this program we have two initiatives
- Career Advisory panels and networking events with current students
- Skills advisory panels – alumni explaining what skills and knowledge current students should focus on to become valuable employees in the quickly changing business/government/IO landscape. — NEW, speakers sought
Alumni Experts program
IUJers are asked to volunteer their expertise to help enrich the campus academic offerings, guest speaker series and research efforts. Career Services hopes for your time to talk to students about your industry and professional development too. Please let us know what you know best, and make yourself available for collaborative research, a classroom appearance as a lecturer or panel discussant, etc. Please volunteer on the Profile Section, “Volunteering” of the Online Directory, and be sure to let us know your areas of expertise! ZOOM can be used when travel is not possible which is a cost effective way to encourage alumni-student interaction! Join us.
Contact Alumni Relations (alumni@iuj.ac.jp) if you can help is in the following ways.
- IUJ Alumni News – please write articles or send in your personal updates for our newsletter issued in January and July each year (deadlines are early December and early June)
- Home stays – could you host a current student over the Christmas/New Year’s break? Or during the summer while the student participates in an internship?
- Donations to Campus through Furusato Nozei for tax deductions and gifts for those in Japan.
- Fundraising campaign for scholarships for 2nd year students needs your support. See the info page
- Would you be willing to help sponsor Open Day or Culti Festa?