Association Activities
IUJ runs Alumni Relations in three areas: Organizational/Volunteer program groups, Networking support, and traditional services. For details, please refer to our Visual presentation .
Campus has an Alumni Relations office. The Alumni Association elects an Executive Council every three years. IUJ Boasts have about 50 Alumni Chapters around the world. With various volunteer programs and communication services, IUJ enjoys a close relationship with our strong global network.
IUJ Alumni Relations Office:
Programming under the key words of Leveraging and Engaging
Current initiatives on campus for IUJ Alumni Relations are:
- to keep alumni informed about campus activities through FaceBook page and group, Linkedin Page, and Email alerts.
- Offer online continuing education programs: See the special site on the initial programming for By Alumni, For Alumni series
- distribute newsletter.
- promote the volunteer programs such as the Ambassadors program who host Info Sessions around the world and communicate one-on-one with prospective students (Student Recruitment activities ),
- to keep the database updated as info comes in from the alumni,
- promote World Wide Chapter activities and chapter leadership appointment, and encourage IUJ World Wide Friday participation.
- support the Executive Council activities
- promote fundraising initiatives and process donations to the Thanks Fund (Scholarship donations).
- answer email questions from alumni,
- put alumni into contact when asked, and support global networking
- maintain the Job Hunters Email list to try to get alumni job opportunities info, etc
Executive Council: The 3-year initiative of the IUJ Alumni Executive Council are:
- Alumni Networking: To increase the interaction between IUJ Alumni in Tokyo, and world wide: Major annual event is “Bonenkai” a reception held in early December each year, and IUJ Worldwide Friday Tokyo gathering (2nd Friday of September)
- Strengthen engagement between alumni through stronger ties with Chapter Leaders
- IUJ-Alumni Relations: Promote interaction between Alumni and campus (faculty, staff and students)
- More to come!
Your suggestions, ideas and initiatives are welcomed!
Elected Members to the IUJ Alumni Association Executive Council
To serve April 1, 2024 thru March 31, 2027
Steven White (Vice Chair) | 1988 | MA | USA (in Thailand) |
Hideyuki Kawashima (Treasurer) | 1990 | MBA | Japan |
Mitsuharu Nakano (Vice Chair) | 1990 | MBA | Japan |
Mary Ruth R (Alegre) Buchanan | 1992 | MBA | USA |
Norimasa Teramachi (Vice Chair) | 1993 | MBA | Japan |
Smitha Mallya | 1995 | MBA | Australia |
Tadashi Inagaki (Vice Chair) | 1995 | MBA | Japan |
Yaoyu Yang (Vice Chair) | 1996 | MBA | China (in Japan) |
Bingwu Xie | 1998 | MA | China (in Japan) |
Thuy Le Thi | 2000 | MBA | Vietnam |
Tadahiko Ishikawa (Chair) | 2003 | MBA | Japan |
Reeya Sinha | 2015 | MBA | India (in Japan) |
Buyisile Nzima | 2018 | MA | South Africa |
Prasun Agrawal | 2019 | MEB | India (in Japan) |
Keisuke Kurogi (Vice Chair) | 2019 | MBA | Japan |
Mohamed Reda Saleh Ahmed (Vice Chair) | 2019 | MBA | Egypt |
Nguyen Thi Thu Nghia | 2021 | MA | Vietnam (in Japan) |
Qayyum, Rafia | 2023 | MA | Pakistan |
The 2021-2024 Council members were:
Council Leaders
- Chair Mitsuharu Nakano, MBA90 – Japan — Please refer to his initial message (May 2021)
- Co-Vice Chair Yang Yaoyu, MBA96, China (China Relations)
- Co-Vice Chair Hideyuki Kawashima, MBA90 – Japan (Treasurer)
- Co-Vice Chair Tadashi Inagaki, MBA95 – Japan (Sr. Advisor)
- Daniel Bukenya, MBA08 – Uganda (in Uganda) (Africa Relations)
- Priyanshu Sharma, MBA11, India (in Singapore) (ASEAN/SAARC Relations)
- Keisuke Kurogi, MBA19 – Japan (Local Community Relations)
- Steven White, MA 1988 – USA (in China)
- Norimasa Teramachi, MBA93 – Japan
- Rakib Mahmood, MBA97 – Bangladesh (In USA)
- Tadahiko Ishikawa, MBA03 – Japan
- Denis Desjardins, MBA11, Canada (in Vietnam)
- Akiyo Higaki, MA17 – Japan
- Mohammed Reda Ahmed MBA19 – Egypt (in Egypt)
The members meet once a month via ZOOM, and open the meetings to interested alumni as well.
Please refer to these slides for introductions to the EC members and their reasons for joining – motivation statements and objectives.
If you are interested in running in the next election, or filling in for a member in the case someone stands down, please read the Alumni Association rules and contact the Alumni Relations Office at