Association Rules
Rules of the Alumni Association of IUJ
Article 1: Title
The society shall be called the Alumni Association of the International University of Japan (hereunto “the Association”).
Article 2: Objective
The objective of the Association is to contribute to:
- the development of the International University of Japan (IUJ);
- the establishment of friendship among the Alumni and support their global activities, and
- further internationalization of Japan through strengthening its relations with countries of the world.
Article 3: Activities
The main activities of the Association include:
- to hold an annual meeting;
- to coordinate and exchange information among members and its chapters throughout the world and between the Association and IUJ, especially Alumni Relations staff on campus.
- to publish the alumni directory in cooperation with the Alumni Relations staff on campus.
- to promote any other activity which meets the Association’s objective.
Article 4: Secretariat
The Association shall be situated at the following address;
International University of Japan, Office of Student Service
777 Kokusai-cho, Minami-Uonuma city, Niigata 949-7277
Tel 0257-79-1438, Fax 0257-79-1180, E-mail:
Furthermore, the Association in cooperation with Alumni Relations staff on campus, shall encourage the establishment of regional Chapters overseas with volunteer Chapter leaders.
Article 5: Membership
IUJ graduates, registered as members by paying their initial membership fee (3,000yen), shall constitute the Association.
Article 6: Membership Fee
No additional membership fees will be collected.
Article 7: Representatives
The Association shall elect ten executive members who constitute the Executive Council of the Association, and recommend some of them to represent the Association at IUJ’s Board of Councilors meetings. Non-elected alumni members can join the Executive Council upon the consent of its members. The Executive Council shall appoint several officers: Chairperson, Vice Chairperson (one or a few), and Treasury, and other project staff (flexible) as necessary. The tenure of executive members shall be three years.
Class representatives shall be chosen by their classmates from each graduating class: Japan representatives and overseas representatives. They shall be called upon by the Executive Council or Alumni Relations office for assistance needed for opinions, special events, and newsletter support. Representatives may change at will.
Article 8: Expenses
The operational expenses of the Association shall be borne by annual membership fees, extraordinary membership fees and any other funds raised.
Article 9: Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the Association shall start on April 1 and end on March 31 of the following year.
Article 10: Procedure for Amendments
The rules of the Association may only be altered by the approval of more than half of the members who are present at the annual meeting.
Article 11: Other
These rules shall be effective as of December 1, 2018.
Original document created September 12, 1987, and previously revised on May 16 1992, May 22 1998, May 17 2002, February 11 2006 and February 13, 2009