3rd ThANKS Fundraising Drive (June 2008 – May 2012 )

3rd ThANKS Fundraising Drive (June 2008 – May 2012 )

On-Going Campaign for 2012 and our 30th Anniversary!

Pres. Mori’s matching donation !

         Donate today and try to help the alumni association meet Pres. Mori’s general challenge!

Total: 3,436,555 – 63% of our goal 
(of which 1,088,456yen* is carried over from last campaign, and Pres. Mori’s generous challenge donation of 1,000,000)
(*this figure is unofficial: 1,028,456 from alumni and 70,000 from Tamaru Sensei in matching grant program)

Target Goal 5,500,000 yen per year

Donations have been received from the following IUJers in THIS current campaign:
see earlier campaign contributors at Original Campaign and First ThANKS campaign, and the 2nd ThANKS campaign, the “Tamaru Revenge

IUJ Founders Club

Masakatsu Mori, IUJ President 2009 — ?

IUJ Presidential Club

–No Donor yet in this category for THIS campaign–

IUJ Premier Executive Club

Raymond Ly, Ebiz02

Masakatsu Mori (IUJ President)

Chuanli “Charles” Yin, IR89 “The IUJ spirit and global perspective have enriched my life and I’m deeply grateful. I’m delighted to contribute to this great effort.” 
Chuanli “Charles” contributed again in March 2011! – Pres. Mori Matching Campaign

IUJ Premier Club

Julia and Adam Bergman, IR97

Julia and Adam Bergman, IR97 – Pres. Mori Matching Campaign


Mr. Chuanli Charles Yin – Pres. Mori Matching Campaign

Carson Cheng IM04 – Pres. Mori Matching Campaign

IUJ Honors Club

Kenichi Hayama, IR85

Yukio Takagaki, IR89 – Pres. Mori Matching Campaign

Maung Aung Myoe, IR93

Aditi Joshi, IR 96

Korkut Bilgin, IR96 – Pres. Mori Matching Campaign

Adam and Julia Berman IR97 – Pres. Mori Matching Campaign

Vishwanath Katakkar IM97 – Pres. Mori Matching Campaign

Vanndy Hem, IR2

Koji Ihara, IM99

Noboru Roh, IM99 – Pres. Mori Matching Campaign

Tadashi Yamaguchi, IM02 – Pres. Mori Matching Campaign

Tsuyoshi Noda, IM04 – Pres. Mori Matching Campaign

Udom Chuentongaram, IM05

Tao Yang, IM05 – Pres. Mori Matching Campaign

Andreas Renfer, IM08 – Pres. Mori Matching Campaign

Yuri Bey, IM08



IUJ Club

Seiji Suzuki, IR89 – Pres. Mori Matching Campaign

Tomoji Matsui IR89 – Pres. Mori Matching Campaign

Mitsuharu Nakano, IM90 – Pres. Mori Matching Campaign

Suwarn Vajracharya, IR92 – Pres. Mori Matching Campaign

Brent Mori, IM97 – Pres. Mori Matching Campaign

Vishwanath Katakkar IM97 – Pres. Mori Matching Campaign

Anna Khodijay, IM2010 – Pres. Mori Matching Campaign

Special Donations

TopTech Informatics (Viswa Ghosh’s. IR92 company) – Pres. Mori Matching Campaign

IUJ President M. Mori’s matching donation from the July 2, 2010 IUJ Alumni Reception challenge 198,000

Additional matching donations from Pres. Mori after July now stand at 35,000

Earthquake and Tsunami Donations through the Alumni Association (not counted in the Scholarship Fund goals)

Prasnee Surastian (IM92) – Pres. Mori Matching Campaign

Udom Chuentongaram (IM05) – Pres. Mori Matching Campaign

Donation Break Down for THIS Campaign: Updated February 6, 2012

Donation Level Value July 2, 2010 Pres. Mori Matching Campaign July 2009 – T-shirt campaign ThANKS Fund 3rd Campaign Members
IUJ Founders Club 1,000,000 yen or more
IUJ Presidential Club 500,000-999,999 yen
IUJ Premier Executive Club 100,000-499,999 yen 3 2
IUJ Premier Club 50,000-99,999 yen 4
IUJ Honors Club 10,000-49,999 yen 10 5 4
IUJ Club Less than 10,000 yen (not eligible for tax deduction in Japan) 7
Other various 2