Career Counseling and Services (CC&S)
Visa, Housing, etc after search
Information about Negotiations, Guarantors, Visa Changing, Housing, etc.
What to do first when you get a job! Changing your visa status, getting an apartment, health insurance, hankos and more.
PLEASE remember to tell CC&S about your new job!
- Salary Negotiations when an offer comes in. Includes information on Housing Allowance levels.
- Short-term, long-term Housing for Internships/new careers, and info on Real Estate Agents in Japan.
- Housing Allowances
- Information on taxes for paid internships and links to information on Employment tax laws and rates.
Special Documentation and Request forms
- Starting Employment before Graduation date: Policy, Procedures
and Application Form
- Requesting IUJ support for a Designated Activity Visa for the job hunt
- Traveler’s Insurance available at Narita Airport
for those going outside of Japan over the summer.
* Change your Visa
If you have an Employment contract in hand, start to change your Student Visa status to a Work Visa as soon as possilbe. It can take up to 3 months to get a Work Visa, and during that time you are not able to earn a salary, leave the country, etc. See the information provided on After Your Search.