Career Counseling and Services (CC&S)

Before Arrival

Before you arrive at IUJ, Career Counseling recommends the following:

  • Take as much Japanese language training as possible, and try to get into Intermediate Level at IUJ. Of course, this is for those who want to intern or work in Japan after they graduate, and are not native speakers
  • Sign up for the Japanese language intensive program  in September and pre-register for Japanese BY THE JUNE DEADLINE
  • Take – an online internet survey of your values, skills and interests to see how you match up to various careers. Ask Career Counseling  at IUJ to pre-register you (we will collect about 2,500 yen from you in October or November). You are eligible if you have paid your IUJ Admissions Fee.
  • Research various companies and institutions to find who is doing what you are interested in. Explore how you FIT. Use the “Resources to Know About and Use” handout to get started.
  • Be sure to arrange travel plans to get here before the Fall Career Workshop begins (in September).

See you on campus soon!