Career Counseling and Services (CC&S)

Housing in Tokyo

Listed here is information on HOW TO rent an apartment, things you need to know before signing contracts, and some long-term and short-term (mostly) housing options in Tokyo. Simple internet searches for “Gaijin House” or “Apartments in Tokyo” will help you beyond this page.

General Information

 – Short Term housing

  • Nichio Apartments
    This is a relatively new short-term and affordable housing agent, recommended in summer 2014 by a recent graduate.  Apartments from 40,000 and up with clean and friendly service.03-3728-8349
  • SAKURA HOUSE: is a very IUJ friendly place to stay, and recommended by alumni and former interns as a good Tokyo short-stay place! Find them on Skype at “japansakurahouse.” English support available, and many locations to choose from.
  • GRAND SHARE: Recommended by Class of 2012 student – Grand Share Tokyo – Inexpensive options ranging from 28,000 – 46,000 depending on type of room and how much you share space. 30,000 deposit money refundable if room left clean and undamaged. No key money, etc. Website in Japanese. Convenient on the Sankyo Line near Idabashi stn.
  • K’s House – Backpackers Hostel, but good and cheap for longer term stays too. Available in Tokyo, Kyoto, Hiroshima, etc. Tokyo rates are 3,900/person for a single room with community lounge. 03-5833-0555
  • ICHII CORPORATION LTD. has dorm rooms for under 30,000/month, and shared rooms at various prices for 2-4 people in one room (80,000/month if 4 people share a room!). Also fully furnished apartments from 80,000-130,000plus and without guarantor or key money needed – GREAT for new graduates getting started in Tokyo. Ask Gretchen for Megumi’s email for direct help, or see the homepage – This company was recommended by an Alum living in their units.
  • J&F Net welcomes IUJers to contact them. IUJ students and recent graduates will be given a special priority for reservations for guest houses, short-term furnished apartments, and help with real estate agents friendly to foreigners. Ask Gretchen for the email of the specific contact person (Y. Kawabe) who is ready to help you. The homepage above has a wealth of information on renting an apartment, including a link to a service that will provide you with a guarantor! – This company was recommended by an Alum living in their units.

Another good person to help is Anton Scherer. Ask Gretchen for his email address. He can help introduce you to short-term and inexpensive housing, and has been used by several IUJers.

  • GaijinPot is a very easy to search, helpful site in English for apartments at various rent levels.
  • Kimi Information Center
    This center specializes in assisting foreigners. Finding housing is one of the many services they provide. They boast over 5000 apartments on their list. Only a “selection” is available online. You need to contact them for ore information. Check out the Guest House options, some just for women. Price range is 50,000-75,000/month. They also have information on job opportunities, department stores, hospitals in Tokyo, etc. etc. Their other services include: resume service, translation service, visa consulting service, moving service, and even tour reservations. Of course they charge fees for all these services. Check out their homepage for more detail.
  • Email:
    Tel: 03-3986-1604 Fax: 03-3986-3037
    Oscar Bldg. 8F
    2-42-3, Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 171

Great Support
This group has a long history of helping foreigners secure housing. Not sure of the price ranges, etc. check out this site advertised on Japan Times homepage.

Specific places to contact

  • Leo Palace
    54-11, 2 Chomes, Hon-cho, Nakano-ku, Tokyo
    Tel. 03-5350-0001

This is a great deal for those who can rent a month at a time. Nice places for 50,000-70,000 (cheapest rate) or more. Many levels of service available, so you can upgrade from there. If you rent for 3 months, it is cheaper. You can request a room online, or visit the nearest office. The page is all in Japanese, but they welcome foreigners, job hunters, students!

  • Tokyo Apartments. Long and Short stay options, fully furnished options. Great site to navigate, but options are mostly expensive.
  • RealEstate Tokyo – NOT cheap, but good places for long term housing.
  • Gaijin House has lots of support for foreigners in Japan, including accommodations.
  • Sakura House has dorm rooms 35,000-,37,000 (share with 4-10 others) inexpensive shared apartments (2 people) 42,000-45,000, single rooms 80,000 and nicer apartment options 120,000-180,000. Easy to use site.
  • House Sharing, Homestay arrangements in Tokyo and outside. Language exchange, cultural exchange, etc. Various situation and price ranges. “Mission: Promotes house sharing between Japanese and Foreigners and make it common in Japan. Furthermore promote inter-relationship through language, culture, and friendship exchanges.
  • Kyoritsu Maintenance
    Advance Bldg. 4-7-7 Soto Kanda Chiyoda-ku Tokyo, 101-8621
    Tel. 03-5295-7889 Fax. 03-3251-0776

They have several dormitories throughout Tokyo. They lend rooms if they are vacant for the summer months. Cost: Individual Room 85,000/month. Shared by 2 people 68,000/month. These are special discount price for foreign students. (Sorry, non-gaijin!) On top of that, they serve 2 meals a day for free, if you wish. But you’re required to speak sufficient Japanese to make a contract.

  • Takara Ryugakusei Kaikan (Women’s dormitory. Female Students only.)
    50-1 Ohyama Kanai-cho, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo 173-0024
    Tel. 03-5966-4325 Fax 03-5966-4339

Fully furnished. Kitchen, bathroom shared. All their dormitories are located within 20 minutes from Ikebukuro St. Cost: 50,000-70,000/month, 2,500-3,500/day depending on the room/dormitory type (individual occupation or shared). To apply: call to make an appointment and visit their office first. (10:00-19:00, Mon.-Sat.) You need to check the room before making a contract. They speak English and Chinese.

Housing and apartment listings Tokyo YY Classifieds Updated regularly. Several listings allow short-term housing at low rates (45,000/month 2,500 a day, etc.)

  • May Listing on the Classifieds: Tokyo House (3910-3586) From JR Yamanote Line Otsuka Sta. 9 min. Single 48,000/month including shower, laundry. A few days OK, 2,500/day. No depo, no key money. Call Abe-san (3910-3586).
  • Crystal Village
    Tel. 03-3388-7625
    2 stops passed Shinjuku Station, at Nakano Station.
    More facilities are at the next station, Koenji Station, but the main units are at Nakano.

Nicer short-term housing that is friendly to foreigners and Japanese alike. Recommended by International House of Japan. Furnished. Work-out facilities near by at Nakano Station. Weekly rates possible for all units. Most units are one-bedroom with kitchenette and are 130,000/month. Two bedroom units are 180,000 for a small one and 220,000 for a larger unit. Reservations should be made at least 1 month in advance if possible. English is fine. Several interns have stayed here and very much enjoyed the experience.

Various Real Estate Agents in Japan (mainly Tokyo)
Here is a page, hosted by that provides contact information for various real estate agents, housing advice, and some links directly to apartments (in some cases).


Also, ask Gretchen for the contact person that can help you, from Tokyo, find a place that fits your budget needs. He is willing to help IUJers during internships, especially.

Find a good place to stay for short or long-term? Please let us know about it, contact info, etc.