

Course Reserve, Inter Library Loan

General Information

Q. What is IUJ?

IUJ is a graduate school located in Japan. All course work is in ENGLISH. We have about 380 students from about 50 countries/territories, who live, study and play together on our beautiful residential campus.

IUJ’s MBA program is world ranked by the Economist.

We offer only master’s level and a small PhD programs meaning your faculty is highly dedicated just to you!

Our faculty are nearly all PhD holders from US and UK programs, which is very unique in Japan.

IUJ has on-campus dorm facilities, also rather unique in Japan!

IUJ is a mini-UN with high level professionals spanning all industries and sectors: diversity is our middle name.

IUJ: Where the World Gathers!

Q. What degrees does IUJ offer?

A. IUJ offers the following Degree programs, with all course work in English.


Master’s Degree Programs:

    • International Relations Program (MA in International Relations, MA in Political Science)
    • International Development Program (MA in International Development, MA in Economics)
    • Public Management and Policy Analysis Program (MA in Public Management, MA in Public Policy)
    • Japan-Global Development Program (MA in International Relations, International Development, Economics, Public Management )
    • International Public Policy Program (Master of International Public Policy)

PhD Programs:

    • Economics Cluster
    • Public Management Cluster
    • International Relations Cluster

GSIM - Business School

    • MBA program (Master of Business Administration)
    • 1-year MBA program (Master of Business Administration)
    • Japan-Global Development Program (Master of Business Administration)
    • Digital Transformation Program (Master of Digital Management)
    • International Social Entrepreneurship Program (Master of Social Entrepreneurship)

IUJ allows students to cross registered between the degree offerings for a customized education that can best help your career goals. (Master’s Programs only) This means and MBA candidate may take courses from the GSIR degrees, and an IDP student may take Finance courses from the MBA program (examples).

Q. What is required to apply to IUJ?

As a graduate school, IUJ requires you to have a bachelor’s degree and a minimum of 16 years prior formal education, in principle (for those with less than 16 years see the Admissions Guidelines, or ask the Admissions staff) to apply. English language skills are a must to handle course work at the graduate level all in English.

The following items are needed to apply to IUJ:

1. Completed online Application Form (including the checklist**) filled out in English

2. Personal Statement

3.  Research Interest description

4. College Certificates from all undergraduate and graduate schools attended

a. Transcripts

b. Certificates of graduation/degrees

5. Recommendation Letters

6. English Test Score: TOEFL, IELTS or TOEIC Score Report (See exemption policy below)

7. GMAT score or alternative test score (GSIM applicants only except E-biz applicants). See below

8. Application Fee

9. Application for Scholarship (for those requiring financial support only)

10. Copy of the Residents Report (Non-Japanese Domestic Applicants only)

11. Letter Attesting to Academic Research Experience (for those with less than 16 years of schooling only)

12. Copy of your Passport (those already holding an internationally recognized passport)

For explanations and details please see

To start your application, please go to
Applications open in mid September through the last deadline each year.

Q. What language does IUJ teach in?

English. All course work, papers, thesis, presentations are delivered in English.

IUJ has a summer English Intensive Program to help you get ready to study here, and supports your English skills throughout your first year of study.

IUJ does offer Business Japanese courses as an elective (course credit is given in GSIM). Those considering to work in Japan, or with a Japanese company back home are HIGHLY encouraged to take these courses.


Q. Do you have an undergraduate program? Do you have a Ph.D program?

No undergraduate program is offered at IUJ.
In Fall 2015, IUJ welcomed our first PhD candidates to a 3-year program under GSIR: Economics, Public Management and International Relations clusters are now available for qualified applicatns.

Q. Do you have a 1-year MBA program? (GSIM only)

IUJ’s main MBA program is a two-year (21 month) course. You must study for the two years (6 terms) at IUJ.

IUJ does have a 1-year fast track MBA. In addition to holding a bachelor’s degree, the applicants for 1-year MBA program are expected to have strong work experience. A minimum of 3 years of work experience is required, five years or more work experience is preferable.

Q. How do I apply to IUJ academic programs? How do I apply for a scholarship?

The IUJ Application process is online at You will find an Application Guidelines to help with each section. All applications are taken online. If it is impossible for you to apply online, contact the Admissions staff as early as you can.

To apply for a scholarship, you MUST apply to an IUJ degree program. If you need a scholarship, you will be guided to a special and supplemental application form online. Submit that for consideration by the application deadlines.


Q. May I apply without work experience?

A. Yes, you can apply. There are many students who have entered IUJ without work experience.

That said, especially for GSIM programs, you may find the course work more rewarding after you have had work experience. Work experience before IUJ is also recommended by the Career Counselor to help your job hunt for after IUJ.  The 1-year Intensive MBA program, however, requires a minimum 3-years of experience.

Q. Where is the IUJ campus located?

A. IUJ is located about 230 kilometers northwest of Tokyo, and 100 Kilometers south of Niigata city, in the city Minami Uonuma. The nearest station is Urasa (location map). It takes about 90 minutes to get to Urasa from Tokyo by the Joetsu-Shinkansen or Bullet train (directions). The Joetsu-Shinkansen and the Kan’etsu Expressway provide easy access to Tokyo and Niigata City. Free shuttle-bus service connects IUJ with the town and the Urasa JR railway station. A special IUJ Saturday bus takes students to shopping in Muikamachi.

Q. May I visit the IUJ Campus?

We would be happy to welcome you to campus. Please contact the Office of Student Recruitment ( to make arrangements.

If possible, please come during the regular academic term so we are able to arrange a class visit. Please give at least 1 week’s notice so we can make your visit excellent, including an opportunity to talk with students and faculty.  You are also encouraged to attend our Open Campus events held several times throughout the year.  Please refer to the Events from the IUJ Top Page.


Q. Can I enroll in the spring term (starting in April)?

A. No, all students must* enroll in the Fall term to start their IUJ academic life.

September offers orientations, workshops and Japanese language training before classes begin the first week of October.

*For very special reasons, GSIR students may be able to start in Spring Term. Check with the Admissions team to see if you qualify.

Exchange students may be able to come in Winter or Spring Term based on the agreement with IUJ and your home institution.

Q. Is IUJ a Japanese university or a foreign university in Japan? Does the Ministry of Education accredit IUJ?

IUJ is a fully accredited Japanese private university under the Ministry of Education, now called the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports Science and Technology (Mombukagakusho). GSIR was officially founded with this accreditation on January 16, 1982. GSIM was officially founded under such accreditation on March 23, 1988.

For HISTORY page…

Q. How can I receive the latest school brochure, application form and other relevant information documents?

A. You can receive them from the Materials Request / Download.

Q. I would like to receive general information on studies in Japan for foreigners.

Please contact Japan Student Servicdes Organization, known as JASSO.

Address :
Information Center for International Education (Tokyo)
Japan Student Servicdes Organization
2-79 Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-8630 JAPAN


Q. How do I get from Narita Airport to IUJ campus?

Information, instructions and train schedules are provided in the Info Pack which is mailed to students with their admissions documents. For an online version, please see

Q. What is available for Special Needs applicants/students?

IUJ welcomes applicants with special needs to contact us for information on our campus facilities and reasonable accommodations they may need to join our academic programs and participate in dorm life.

Currently IUJ has the following campus features to support some disabilities:

  • Wheel chair accessible toilet in the main classroom building area
  • Disabled parking area near the IUJ main entrance
  • Elevators and ramps to make most of campus accessible by wheel chairs
  • Elevators also available for dormitory rooms
  • Twice a month health consultation services (free) on campus
  • Daily mental health support services (free) on campus
  • Teaching Assistance and academic mentoring services are available upon request or faculty support
  • Reasonable accommodations can be made as illustrated in Points of Note Concerning IUJ Guidelines for Eliminating Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities.