Vietnamese Haiphong city Delegates visit IUJ
Public Relations
Sep. 22, 2014
IUJ proudly welcomed a 5-member delegation of officials from the city of Haiphong, Vietnam to campus September 18th.
Haiphong City’s Steering Board for the Development of Highly Qualified Human Resources (Haiphong Steering Board), and IUJ signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The purpose of the MOU is twofold:
1) To ensure that IUJ, in close cooperation with the Haiphong Steering Board, supports the development of highly qualified human resources for Haiphong City through our academic programs
2) To build a long-term relationship between the Haiphong Steering Board and IUJ. With this MOU, the Haiphong Steering Board confirmed its intention to send staff members to IUJ’s 2-year Master’s programs.
The first students from the Haiphong Steering Board joined IUJ’s Public Management and Policy Analysis Program (PMPP) in the Graduate School of International Relations in September 2013. This year, 2 students entered the PMPP and 1 entered the MBA program. They have arrived at IUJ.
There was an active discussion about a future collaborative relationship between the delegation and the IUJ faculty. A plan was made to have Japanese instructors from Haiphong University come to IUJ for training next year. IUJ will cooperate with the Japanese department to be established at Haiphong University.
The delegates met students from Haiphong and greatly enjoyed a tour of the facilities, particularly the dormitory. They confirmed that IUJ provides a perfect study environment that combines academic challenges with plenty of opportunities for cultural exchange.
The delegates included officials in the following positions:
Deputy Head of Personnel and Organizing Board of Haiphong Communist Party
Deputy Director of Department of Science and Technology
Principal of Haiphong University
Chief of Haiphong Project 100 Office
Embassy of the Social Republic of Vietnam in Tokyo, Japan