The first “Studium Genarale” seminar was held
The very first “Studium Genarale” seminar was successfully held in classroom 202 on November 25.
Studium Generale is a series of talks organized by International University of Japan (IUJ) involving its faculty, students and other like-minded people with a view to provide an academic forum for interacting and exchanging views on research and teaching relating to broad mission and vision of IUJ. Studium Generale through uniquely diverse community at IUJ comprising of faculty, students and staff from around the world could bring rich knowledge, experience, and oriental wisdom leading to human wellbeing.
There were around 25 students attended from both GSIM and GSIR at the first seminar. The audience actively asked questions after the seminars presented by Prof. Yusuke Jinnai of GSIR and Prof. Rahul Sett of GSIM.
We hope there will be more interaction between students and Faculty at the next seminar.
“Consumer Perception and Behavior in an Online Labor Market” by Prof. Yusuke Jinnai
“Impact of Inflexible Microcredit Contracts on the Impoverished” by Prof. Rahul Sett