IUJ Research Institute
Overview of IUJ Research Institute
The IUJ research institute has conducted research projects on global problems and issues facing Japan and the whole world in order to make proposals and recommendations to contribute toward solving these problems. The fields of our research activities include international relations, politics, management, economics and any related policy issue.
The Institute has continued the joint research programs with other institutes as well as private companies in both Japan and foreign countries. Utilizing this strong connection, we have regularly held a series of open seminars by inviting government officers and prominent business persons from all over the world. The IUJ currently holds cooperative relationships with the other institutes for research and business purposes.
The objective of this site is to introduce Research Institute’s activities and joint research projects conducted by IUJ faculty members and research fellows in order to find out further possibility of collaborations with researchers and scholars around the world. If you are interested in our activities, please do not hesitate to contact us.