Information for Recruiters

Thank you very much for a great support as always.

IUJ Career Support is committed to good recruitments for both students and companies.

We always welcome your contact to us about recruiting.

On Campus / Online Recruiting (Company Info Session and/or Interview)

Registration on Career Access

IUJ Resume Book


IUJ welcomes recruiters to our campus to meet IUJ Job and Internship hunters anytime, except during a summer break from July to September.

Depending on the COVID-19 situation, we will ask you to conduct a company info session and/or interview online.

We’re also always open to have a meeting with recruiters to understand each other before recruiting.

Please feel free to contact us.

IUJ Career Support Office

To help recruiters get to know IUJ Job and Internship hunters, IUJ publishes “Resume Book” every November, which contains English resumes of IUJ Job and Internship hunters.

There are hard copy and soft copy (PDF) version. We only send a hard copy to the companies located in Japan and send a soft copy to business email. (No personal email address)

If you’re interested in recruiting from IUJ, please send a request from the following form.

IUJ recommends both on-site and online internships to students.
Online internships are available for students all year round but on-site internships are only available during summer break from July to September because of our campus location.

You can post job descriptions on IUJ Career Access.
Or if it’s first time for the company to accept an intern, we will support creating an internship opportunity together.

Please feel free to contact us.

IUJ Career Support Office