Minami Uonuma Gourmet Marathon Race
Minami Uonuma Gourmet Marathon race was held on June 12.
IUJ was the 7th Aid station of the half marathon race, and many members of the IUJ community came out to cheer the runners who included IUJ’s some faculties,
students and staffs.
Our all loud cheers awarded a prize of cheering contest this year again.
Comment from Assistant Professor Nora Sharkasi, an Aid Volunteer:
“I really enjoyed it! It wasn’t only for the beauty of the crowed approaching the aid station and snatching the little cups of water from our hands,or recognizing IUJ runners
among the crowd and cheering hard for everyone, or appreciating the creative costumes and smiles of the runners despite tiredness, it was really the joy of being able to help
and aid them in any way possible. I learned how to cheer in Japanese from the Japanese volunteers and we worked amazingly well together.
Who knows, next year I might be one of the runner for IUJ! The experience is quite inspiring– I am already thinking of a cool costume for that.
Minami Uonuma Gourmet Marathon Race Website▼