Role of Dorm Director/Staff, Energy Center, Guard

Working with the OSS on Dorm matters are the Dorm Director, Dorm Staff, the Energy Center, and General Affairs.

  • Dorm Staff – 8:30am-5:00pm everyday
  • Dorm Director 4:00pm – 9:00am every day
  • Energy Center – 8:30am-5pm Monday – Friday
  • General Affairs  – 8:30am-5pm Monday – Friday
Function of the Dorm Director

The Dorm Director provides evening support and night time emergency or rule infraction support. He is reachable at x555 and should be called in the event of any emergency or quiet policy infraction without worry about the time of night.

Function of The Dorm Staff

The IUJ Dorm Staff, provides check-in and check-out assistance, maintenance and storage space support, etc.. Their office is located in SD1 lobby area. There is a Dorm Staff mailbox for them at that location too.

Function of the Energy Center

The Energy Center is responsible for monitoring all equipment and facilities to ensure their safe and consistent operations. This entails monitoring machines and indicators 24 hours a day, and in person. They are also on-call during non-business hours for facility emergencies: fire, water damage, etc.

Function of the IUJ Security Guard

The IUJ Guard, located at the main entrance to campus provides night-time monitoring of the campus grounds. In an emergency during non-business hours they can, if contact in Japanese, assist in getting help to campus – fire engine, ambulances, IUJ bi-lingual staff. If there are non-campus people using IUJ facilities, please contact the guard who will ask them to leave. For any other like disturbance on campus please notify the guard.