Japan Business Model Competition (JBMC) NIIGATA round was held on Sunday, December 1st 2019 at Niigata University.
This competition was hosted by HOKUETSU BANK, DAISHI BANK and ICLOVE (International Collaboration for Local Organizations in Venture and Entrepreneurship) with Niigata University and IUJ co-sponsorship.
The important of this competition is identifying and tracking business model hypotheses and testing and validating those hypotheses with customers.
8 projects including 2 projects organized by IUJ students were presented.
Unfortunately, IUJ projects were not selected as winners, but their presentations have done very well. IUJ students are expected to be awarded next year.
The winning projects will join the final competition for JBMC Prize in March 2020 in Tokyo, which will allow its winner to join the final world-wide International Business Model Competition (IBMC) to be held in May, 2020.
We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all IUJ students and distinguished judges who participated in this event.