MBA Program

To review the GX curriculum, please click here!

Core courses

・Corporate Finance ・International Management ・Operations Management
・Corporate Social Responsibility ・Managerial Accounting ・Organizational Behavior
・Data Analytics for Business ・Marketing Management ・Strategic Management
・Financial Accounting or Financial Reporting

Elective (MBA・IMBA Common Courses)

・Advertising Management ・Energy Policy and Business Leadership ・Macroeconomics I: Income Theory
・Agriculture Business and Policy in Japan ・Entrepreneurial and Venture Finance ・Management for Digital Transformation
・AI for Business ・Entrepreneurship & Small Business Development ・Managing Product Development
・Applied Econometrics ・Entrepreneurship and Innovation ・Managing Public Organizations
・Big Data Analytics ・Environmental Policy and Disaster Management ・Marketing Intelligence
・Business Leaders in Japan ・Essentials of Economics ・Marketing Research
・Competing in Emerging Markets ・Finance and Technology ・Monozukuri (Manufacturing) Management in Japan
・Consumer Behavior ・Financial Statement and Business Analysis ・Negotiation Strategy
・Corporate Strategy in a Technology and Digital Era ・Global Strategy in the Digital Age ・New Business Creation and Venturing
・Cross-sectional and Panel Data Analysis ・Human Resource and Global Talent Management ・Portfolio Management
・Customer Relationship Management ・Information Policy and Management ・Primer for Industrial Development Policy
・Data Analysis with Python ・International Finance ・Research Methods
・Data-Driven Organization ・Invesment and Machine Learning ・Risk Management
・Data Management and Modelling ・Japanese Corporate Finance and Financial System ・Service Management
・Digital Marketing and Customer Journey ・Japanese Style Management and Corporate Governance  ・Small to Medium-sized Firms in Japan
・Digital Platform and Digital Business Models ・Japan’s Frontier of Digital Society ・Sustainability Transformation Strategy
・Digital Supply Chain Management ・Japan’s Major Industries and Human Resource Practices ・Sustainable Finance
・Econometrics ・Leadership ・World Landscape of the Digital Industry

Notes: In addition to these elective courses, students can choose other courses provided by other programs as electives.
If you need more information, please contact us.