IUJ Ambassadors

From our Campus To the World

Among the IUJ Alumni Network, volunteers who serve as “IUJ Alumni Ambassadors.” They are ready to support prospective applicants who are interested in studying at IUJ and who would like to know more about IUJ.

The IUJ Alumni Network is comprised of over 4,300 people from 130 different countries/territories. Our “IUJ Alumni Ambassadors”  volunteer to support prospective applicants who are interested in studying at IUJ and who would like to know more about IUJ.
IUJ Ambassadors are happy to exchange emails with you to answer your questions about IUJ regarding academic concerns, student life, career development, etc.  In addition, they kindly organize Info Sessions for prospective applicants which are held in various cities around the world.
If you would like to contact an IUJ Ambassador(s) in your region or profession, please contact the the Office of Admissions for introductions. (E-mail: contact@iuj.ac.jp, TEL: +81-(0)25-779-1104), or alternatively contact the alumni office (see below) for introductions. Please provide your nationality, gender and area of study you plan for IUJ to get a best matched ambassador.
If you would like to participate in an Info Session, please let our staff know, and they will be sure you are invited to one near you.
TO IUJ Alumni:
If you are able to be an IUJ Ambassador, please contact the alumni@iuj.ac.jp, TEL: +81-(0)25-779-1438)or register on the Alumni Online Directory in “Alumni Relations” site.