Advanced Seminar
Research Report / Thesis Guidance
All GSIM students are required to write a “Research Report” or a “Thesis” for their graduation. This is to comply with the regulations implemented by the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture (Monbukagaku-sho) for graduate schools in Japan. In order to complete this degree requirement, students choose their academic supervisors and take “Advanced Seminars” for three terms.
GSIM faculty members conduct individual orientation sessions so that the students can choose the most appropriate faculty members as their academic supervisors after learning each faculty member’s area of supervision and research interest. After deciding on their academic supervisors, students start taking “Advanced Seminars.”
“Advanced Seminars” are required courses and are offered in sequence: Advanced Seminar I (Fall), II (Winter), and III (Spring). Students can learn necessary skills and methods from their supervisors to develop and complete the research report or thesis. In their Advanced Seminars, the students will develop their research topics in consultation with their supervisors.
The Advanced Seminar comes with two options: “Research Report” and “Thesis.” The Research Report option is recommended for all GSIM students while the thesis option is primarily for those students aiming to pursue research careers. The requirements and evaluation criteria are accordingly different in each option.
In some cases, the scale and scope of a research project might impose requirements that exceed the abilities of individual students. In such instances, upon recommendation of an academic supervisor and approval of the Dean, the research can be conducted by a team of students. However, team projects, while providing excellent learning opportunities for the students, may suffer from certain managerial challenges such as coordination overhead and free riding. Thus, GSIM generally encourages the individual research option. It should be also noted here that the team option is not available for the Thesis project.
A student is required to earn six credits from Advanced Seminars and submit an acceptable research report or thesis for graduation.
For more details about these seminars and schedule for writing the graduation research report, please refer to
Research Report titles of recent graduates
MBA Program
- Strategies of a Japanese energy company in Asian markets
- A Pioneer of CSV Approach to Corporate Strategy in Japan: The Case of KIRIN
- Quality Management and Improvement Actions for the Tourism Sector in Senegal: Learnings from Japanese Practices
- Comparative Study of Organizational Culture: A Case Study of Uganda and Japan
- The Future Vision of East Japan Railway Company: Leveraging the Demographic Change in Japan
- Developing a Strategic Positioning for Internationalization: A Case Study of Arik Air
- Adjusting value-proposition to the needs of the customer: The case of the container house as a means to explore the untapped segment of the South African low-income earner
- Increasing Profitability of Office Equipment Sales Though Value Based Pricing Case Study of MFI Document solutions Kenya
- Measurement of Financial Literacy: A Case Study of Mongolian Journalists
- Factors affecting corporate governance in Uzbekistan
- An Analysis of Japan Post Bank Privatization: Implication to State-Owned Enterprises in the Kyrgyz Republic
- Sustainable Development Goals Implementation in an Evolving Global Development Finance Landscape
- Financial Performance of National Oil and Gas Companies in Developing Countries
- Boeing 7E7 project cost of capital analysis
- Discounting Social Mine Closure Planning – the Case of South Deep Mine in South Africa
- Agent Banking and Role of ICT
- Challenges of Burkina Faso’s agricultural exports to Japan: Case of sesame and cashew nuts exports
- Network Design Decisions in the Automotive Industry: Renault Nissan Tangier Case
- Project Purchasing Management for Automotive Projects, Case of Renault -Nissan Purchasing Organization in Renault Nissan Morocco Plants
- Measuring Risks in Supply Chain: An Attempt to Quantify the Financial Losses from Risks in the case of SMEs in Vietnam
- The Impact of Management Information System on the Performance of Business Organization; the Case of Juba University Library Network
One-Year MBA Program
- Change management during post-merger integration for cross border M&A
- Effective business communication through excellence in quantitative information display: Use Cases on visualizing business metrics
- Towards Nurturing the Innovative Organizational Culture: Case Analyses and Critique of ANA Group
- An Analysis of the relationship between SoftBank Group and Mizuho Financial Group in Japanese Stock Market
- A Feasibility Study of Securitization for LNG Thermal Power Plant Projects in Japan
- Demand for Mortgage Loan in Japan: A Study of the Impact of Mortgage Deduction
- On the overseas strategy of Nippon Signal
- Japanese Firms in China: from 1980’s to 2010’s
- Risk Mitigation Strategies in Global Supply Chain: Cases of Japanese Corporations
- Detecting Financial Misstatements by Decision Tree Algorithm ~A Case of Listed Companies in Japan~
- Potential and Limitation of Academic -Industrial Collaboration For Small- and Medium Sized Corporations
- A Study on the Application of Telematics for Car Insurance: The Impact of Age and Area on Insurance Premiums
- The Strategy of NSK in Response to the Electric Vehicles Revolution
- Case Studies of Kaizen Applications and Implications for Cambodian Industry
- A Hedonic Analysis of Newly-Built Condominiums in Nihonbashi District
- ESG Investment in Japan
- Tohoku Electric Power’s corporate strategy in the long-term energy industry environment
- Repatriate Dissatisfaction and Turnover: An Empirical Causal Analysis
E-Business Management Program
- Exploring Digitization in the Retail Clothing Industry using Augmented Reality
- An Exploration of the Models of Dating Simulations: Educational and Business Perspectives
- Analyzing the Online Ride Hailing Application Business: A Case Study of Uber in Indonesia
- Green Supply Chain Management in Automotive Industry: Case of GKN DRIVELINE
- Landing page optimization A revision of tools and processes for successful analysis
- How to start Ecommerce business without much investment and any inventory
- How can LINE MAN become leader in mobile food delivery services?
- Feasibility Study of technology Adoption Opportunity for Medical Sectors and Healthcare in Thailand: The Case of Aging Society
- Transformation of Japanese Music Industry