International Social Entrepreneurship Program

Core courses

・Business Core ・Financial Accounting or Financial Reporting ・Marketing Management
・Competing in Emerging Markets ・Local Resources and Social Business ・Strategic Management
・Corporate Social Responsibility


Courses offered by GSIM

・Agriculture Business and Policy in Japan ・Entrepreneurial and Venture Finance ・Managerial Accounting
・AI for Business ・Entrepreneurship and Innovation ・Monozukuri (Manufacturing) Management in Japan
・Business Presentation ・Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development ・New Business Creation and Venturing
・Data Analytics for Business ・International Management ・Organization Behavior
・Digital Platform and Digital Business Models ・Leadership ・Sustainability Transformation Strategy
・Digital Supply Chain Management  ・Management for Digital Transformation ・World Landscape of Digital Industry

Courses offered by GSIR

・Agricultural Development and Resource Revenue Management ・Human Rights ・Japanese International Development Cooperation
・Analysis of Development Policies and Program ・International Organizations ・Policy Evaluation
・Cross-cultural Comunication ・International Political Economy ・Political Institution and Governance
・Development Economics ・International Politics ・Public Human Resource Management
・Development Policy and Globalization ・International Security in a Digitized World ・Roles of Government and Entrepreneurs in Development

Notes: In addition to these elective courses, students can choose other courses provided by other programs as electives.
If you need more information, please contact us.