Competency Goal and Objectives

Competency Goal for all GSIM Programs

Competency Goal Competency Objectives
L1: Multicultural Awareness

Our students will be attentive and skillful in reaching common objectives with people from various international backgrounds.

L1-1 (for 2-year MBA & IMBA & JGDP): Able to demonstrate the sensitivity to different perspectives and opinions of those from different international backgrounds.

L1-2 (for 2-year MBA & IMBA & JGDP): Able to identify and articulate common viewpoints among different and possibly conflicting opinions of those from different international backgrounds.

L1-3 (for 2-year MBA & IMBA & JGDP): Able to acquire skills to communicate with people from diverse international backgrounds.

L2: Social Responsibility

Our students will influence the activities of an individual or group in efforts towards making wise and socially responsible decisions.

L2-1 (for 2-year MBA & IMBA): Able to clearly identify the central problem/issue to demonstrate understanding of socially responsible leadership concepts and practices.

L2-2(for IMBA & JGDP): Be able to outline strategies for socially responsible companies

L2-3 (for 2-year MBA & IMBA): Demonstrate ability to illustrate key reasons why socially responsible leadership is integrated into mainstream business operations through global value chain.

L3: Leadership

Students will work with other people effectively and influence them toward achieving an organizational goal.

L3-1 (for 2-year MBA & IMBA & JGDP): Ability to demonstrate understanding of leadership concepts and practices.

L3-2 (for 2-year MBA & IMBA & JGDP): Ability to listen well and have empathy with other people.

L4: Problem Solving

Our students will analyze and understand the inputs in a situation and analyze, assess and use information for the purpose of forming beliefs and choosing the most appropriate solution.

L4-1 (for 2-year MBA): Demonstrate ability to formulate/define issues;

L4-2 (for 2-year MBA): Demonstrate ability to analyze and compute.

L4-3 (for 2-year MBA): Demonstrate ability to interpret concepts and data.

L4-4 (for 2-year MBA): Demonstrate ability to evaluate and make choices among alternatives.

L5: Functional Business Knowledge

Our students from different backgrounds will learn fundamental business knowledge so as to become a successful business managers.

L5-1 (for 2-year MBA): Demonstrate understanding of Management knowledge.

L5-2 (for 2-year MBA): Demonstrate understanding of Finance knowledge.

L5-3 (for 2-year MBA): Demonstrate understanding of IT/OM knowledge.

L5-4 (for 2-year MBA): Demonstrate understanding of Marketing knowledge.

L5-5 (for 2-year MBA): Demonstrate understanding of Accounting knowledge.

L6: Strategic Decision Making

Our students will assess diverse social and business contexts and make a strategic decision.

L6-1 (for IMBA): Ability to apply the concepts of strategic management, recognizing internal and external strategic contexts.

L6-2 (for IMBA): Demonstrate ability to gather and interpret data.

L6-3 (for IMBA): Demonstrate ability to make a strategic decision under pressure.

L8: Understand Japanese Management and Its Logic

Our students will understand Japanese Management and the logic behind in various aspects, including employment practice, corporate governance and manufacturing management.

L8-1 (for JGDP): Demonstrate understanding of Japanese industries and manufacturing strategy
L8-2 (for JGDP): Demonstrate understanding of Japanese employment practice
L8-3 (for JGDP): Demonstrate understanding of Japanese corporate governance and management philosophy
L9: Solutions Toward Social Issues with Business Concept

Our students will identify and analyze factors of social issues, and will be able to establish sustainable solutions with business knowledge.

L9-1 (for ISEP): Demonstrate ability to identify social issues
L9-2 (for ISEP): Demonstrate ability to analyze fundamental factors of social issues
L9-3 (for ISEP): Demonstrate ability to connect different ideas for creating new solutions toward factors of social issues
L9-4 (for ISEP): Demonstrate ability to establish systems with business knowledge for providing solutions to social issues sustainably.