Thank you for planning a donation to IUJ.

There are three schemes for alumni to make a donation to IUJ. Please choose the best method for your situation.

If you have questions, please contact

Thank you!

Option 1:


Furusato Nozei (Home Town Tax) scheme specifically for those in Japan.

  • 直接IUJに寄付すると、寄付金の90%がIUJに届き、贈り物はこしひかり米5キロです。Donating directly to IUJ gives 90% of your donation to IUJ and the gift is 5K of Koshihikari rice
The gift from IUJ if you donate directly is Koshihikari. Donating through Minami Uonuma site allows you to choose your own gift, but less of your donated amount comes to campus.  Please see info to the left.
  •  市を通じて寄付すると、IUJに寄付される額は少なくなりますが、受け取りたい贈り物を選ぶことができます。Donating through the city gives less directly to IUJ, but you can choose the gift you want to receive.

Option 2:

The ThANKS Fund: The Alumni-NaKayama Scholarship Fund.  For those anywhere in the world.

Option 3: – Updated Option since January 2024

Donate to IUJ through Tax deductible scheme specifically for those in the USA.

Myriad is a rebranding of KBFUS as it merges with Give2Asia (where IUJ donation page was based) to offer flexible fundraising options for organizations outside the USA, but with US tax deductible options. Those in the US may donate to IUJ easily with credit card, PayPal, Venmo, etc. etc. and immediately receive a tax deductible receipt.

Those not in the USA may use this donation site, but tax deductions are only for US tax purposes. is a 3rd party IT support site that supports Myriad’s donation collections. Please use with confidence.

Alumni donations will be used in these 3 ways

  1. To reestablish the Alumni-Nakayama Scholarship fund for current students providing important community-building leadership on campus: funds are currently depleted.
  2. To add beautification to the tunnels leading from the dorms to classrooms in a special
    Donor Alumni Wall. Initial phase is completed as of May 2023
  3. Other campus and facility improvements to make campus-life richer and more pleasant, for example benches under the cherry trees, etc.  2 benches now available as of July 2023, Phase 2 is under planning.
  4. Classroom IT improvements.  Initial phase is completed as of October 2023: IT equipment for a new and much needed classroom on campus. Phase 2 is under planning.


If you are considering a donation of an item, please consult with campus first. We are unable to accept some items, may need special arrangements to accept them, or may need approval before the donation is made.  This would include items such as books, art work, electronics, furniture, skis, etc. Please send in a photo and description of what you have in mind, and we will follow up with your kind offer.  Write to  Subject line “Item Donation Inquiry”