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~ IUJ 40th Anniversary ~


主催:国際大学  共催:南魚沼市



◇日時:2022年8月24日(水)14:00~17:30 (13:30開場)
◇会場:南魚沼市民会館 大ホール(Zoomウェビナーによるオンライン配信も行います)



< 開会 >【14:00】

開会挨拶  国際大学学長 伊丹敬之

< 講演 >【14:05頃~】

講演① 南魚沼市がめざす持続的な開発と地域の未来」南魚沼市長 林茂男氏
平成28年11月に第2代南魚沼市長に就任し、「若者が帰ってこられる 住み続けられる 南魚沼(ふるさと)に!」を掲げて、持続可能なまちづくりに取り組んでいる。豪雪地帯である当市に、大量に降り積もる雪を雪氷熱エネルギーとして雪室や空調などに利活用することで脱炭素を推進する事業に取り組んでいる。また、クマやイノシシなどによる農作物や人身への被害が全国各地で発生しており、里山の整備・再生により被害を低減するとともに、美しく豊かな森を涵養する取り組みを進めている。将来にわたり、人と自然が共生する社会をめざしている。


講演②「デスティネーション・マーケティング」株式会社 Intheory代表取締役 村木智裕氏

現在、自治体やDMOの運営・マーケティングのサポートを行う株式会社IntheoryとインバウンドマーケティングやDXシステムを提供する合同会社Tourism Exchange Japan の代表を務める。2022より一橋大学MBA非常勤講師。

< 質疑応答 >


< パネルディスカッション >

・織元酒井織物有限会社 代表取締役社長 酒井智子氏
・南魚沼市まちづくり推進機構アドバイザー 黒木啓介氏
・株式会社 Intheory代表取締役 村木智裕氏
・国際大学GLOCOM 研究員/講師 菊地映輝 ★モデレーター


・国際協力機構(JICA)上級審議役 宍戸健一氏
・国際大学国際経営学研究科 クエク,ローレンス
・株式会社高木屋 代表取締役 高木義夫氏
・南魚沼市産業振興部部長 腰越勝利氏
・国際大学GLOCOM主幹研究員/研究プロデューサー 小林奈穂★モデレーター

< 閉会 >
閉会挨拶 国際大学副学長 加藤宏











国際大学 スーパーグローバル大学推進室
TEL:025-779-1459  MAIL:sgu@iuj.ac.jp




August 8, 2022
International University of Japan

International University of Japan Top Global University Project Symposium

~ IUJ 40th Anniversary ~

From Minamiuonuma to the World
-Creating a Prosperous Community and Future-

Hosted by IUJ    /    Co-Hosted by Minamiuonuma City

The challenges facing Minamiuonuma City, such as population decline, labor shortages, shrinking economic activity, and declining community vitality, are related to the maintenance of our nation itself. However, Minamiuonuma boasts an abundance of local resources that cannot be found elsewhere, and making good use of them could help us to overcome these challenges.
At the same time, we should not simply reject any external resources that are lacking here, such as human resources and expertise, but incorporate them and try to build up this region together, which could circulate resources from Japan or even the world and create new value and a new vision.
In this symposium, under the keywords of “regional development,” “globalization,” “multicultural coexistence,” and “business innovation,” we will invite people from various positions in industry, government, academia, and the private sector to share their experiences and think together with us about how to build communities where people can live prosperously.


◇ Date:Wednesday, August 24, 2022, from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. (doors open at 1:30 p.m.)(JST)
◇ Venue:Main Hall, Minamiuonuma Civic Hall (live streaming via Zoom Webinar also available)
◇ Language:Japanese(English simultaneous interpretation available)
◇ Open to:Anyone interested in this event.
◇ Fee:For free
◇ How to register:Please register from the form below



< Opening  >【14:00】

Opening Remarks  Dr. ITAMI Hiroyuki, President of International University of Japan (IUJ)

< Presentations >【14:05~】

 Presentation 1.  “Sustainable development and the future of Minamiuonuma City”
Mr. HAYASHI Shigeo, Mayor of Minamiuonuma City
(Outline of Lecture)
He became the second mayor of Minamiuonuma City in November 2016, and has been working on sustainable community development under the slogan “Making Minamiuonuma a hometown where youngsters can return and live their lives!” The city, which has heavy snowfall, is working on a project to promote decarbonization by utilizing the large amount of snow that falls in the area as snow and ice thermal energy for snow rooms, air conditioning, and other purposes. In addition, bears, wild boars, and other animals are damaging crops and injuring people all over the country, and efforts are underway to reduce this by improving and restoring satoyama, as well as to cultivate beautiful and lush forests. The aim is to create a society in which people and nature can coexist in the future.

Presentation 2. “Destination Marketing”
Mr. MURAKI Tomohiro, President, Intheory, Inc.
(Outline of Lecture)
Increasing the number of tourists and other exchange visitors is essential for building sustainable communities. To achieve this, it is important to make strategic and continuous efforts at the local level to increase tourism demand in the region. This is called destination marketing. This lecture will introduce global standard strategies, or theories, through success stories from Japan and overseas, and consider possible future initiatives for Minamiuonuma City and Niigata Prefecture. The key is to gain recognition not only in Japan but also globally, and to build an effective marketing structure through the use of digital technology. The lecture will describe future prospects from a “global + digital” perspective.

< Q&A Session >

——- 10-minute Interval ——-

< Panel Discussion >

Panel Discussion (1) “Solving local issues in Minamiuonuma by Minamiuonuma for Minamiuonuma”【15:10~】
Including report of the workshop “Minamiuonuma Mirai Ideathon”

Ms. SAKAI Tomoko, CEO, Sakaiorimono, Inc.

Mr. KUROGI Keisuke, Advisor, Minami-Uonuma City Marketing and Development Organization

Mr. MURAKI Tomohiro, President, Intheory, Inc.

Mr. YAMAGATA Takuya, Consultant, General Incorporated Association Code for Japan

Mr. SHOJI Masahiko, Professor, Faculty of Sociology, Musashi University/ Executive Research Fellow, the Center for Global Communications (GLOCOM), IUJ

Mr. KIKUCHI Eiki, Researcher, the Center for Global Communications (GLOCOM), IUJ★Moderator


Panel discussion (2) “Activities of foreigners in local communities”【16:25~】

Mr. SHISHIDO Kenichi, Vice President of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Mr. TAKAGI Yoshio, President, Takagiya, Inc

Mr. KWEK Laurence, current student of Graduate School of International Management, IUJ

Mr. KOSHIGOE Katsutoshi, General Manager, Department of Industrial Promotion, Minamiuonuma City

Ms. KOBAYASHI Naho, Senior Researcher, the Center for Global Communications (GLOCOM), IUJ★Moderator

< Closing >【17:25】

Closing remarks  Prof. Hiroshi Kato, Vice President of IUJ and Director of Headquarters, Top Global University Project



Please register from the registration form

※Those who register for “online” will be provided an URL by email by the day before this event.
※We appreciate your cooperation for taking your temperature and sanitizing your hands at the entrance of the venue.





Office of Top Global University Project

International University of Japan

TEL:+81-25-779-1459  MAIL:sgu@iuj.ac.jp