International Development Program

Core courses

・Development Economics (ID) ・Macroeconomics Ⅰ: Income Theory ・Microeconomics Ⅰ: Price Theory
・Econometrics ・Macroeconomics Ⅱ: Business Cycle and Growth Theory ・Microeconomics Ⅱ: Strategic Behavior and Information Analysis
・International Trade (ID) ・Mathematics and Computational Methods (Eco) ・Statistical Methods

Elective courses (Common for ID and ECO)

・Advanced Macroeconomics Seminar ・Global Market Seminar ・Macroeconomic Modeling and Forecasting
・Agricultural Development and Resource Revenue Management ・Industrial Organization and Policy Analysis  ・Macroeconomics and Policy Analysis
・Analysis of Development Policy and Programs ・Inequality and Poverty: Measurement and Applications ・Monetary Economics and Policy Analysis
・Business Presentation ・Interactions, Institutions, and Economic Development ・Monetary Policy in Developing Countries
・Cost Benefit Analysis ・International Finance ・Policy Evaluation
・Cross-sectional and Panel Data Analysis ・Issues in African Development ・Public Finance
・Data Analysis and Machine Learning ・Japanese Corporate Finance and Financial System ・Public Finance and Budgeting
・Development Policy and Globalization ・Japanese International Development Cooperation ・Research Methods
・Environmental and Health Economics ・Japan’s Education System ・Roles of Government and Entrepreneurs in Development
・Evolving Development Paradigms and Changing Operational Strategies of Development Organizations ・Labor Economics ・Time Series Analysis
・Financial System and Financial Regulation

Notes: In addition to these  elective courses, students can choose other courses provided by other programs as electives.
If you need more information, please contact us.