International Development Program
Core courses
・Development Economics (ID) | ・Macroeconomics Ⅰ: Income Theory | ・Microeconomics Ⅰ: Price Theory |
・Econometrics | ・Macroeconomics Ⅱ: Business Cycle and Growth Theory | ・Microeconomics Ⅱ: Strategic Behavior and Information Analysis |
・International Trade (ID) | ・Mathematics and Computational Methods (Eco) | ・Statistical Methods |
Elective courses (Common for ID and ECO)
・Advanced Macroeconomics Seminar | ・Global Market Seminar | ・Macroeconomic Modeling and Forecasting |
・Agricultural Development and Resource Revenue Management | ・Industrial Organization and Policy Analysis | ・Macroeconomics and Policy Analysis |
・Analysis of Development Policy and Programs | ・Inequality and Poverty: Measurement and Applications | ・Monetary Economics and Policy Analysis |
・Business Presentation | ・Interactions, Institutions, and Economic Development | ・Monetary Policy in Developing Countries |
・Cost Benefit Analysis | ・International Finance | ・Policy Evaluation |
・Cross-sectional and Panel Data Analysis | ・Issues in African Development | ・Public Finance |
・Data Analysis and Machine Learning | ・Japanese Corporate Finance and Financial System | ・Public Finance and Budgeting |
・Development Policy and Globalization | ・Japanese International Development Cooperation | ・Research Methods |
・Environmental and Health Economics | ・Japan’s Education System | ・Roles of Government and Entrepreneurs in Development |
・Evolving Development Paradigms and Changing Operational Strategies of Development Organizations | ・Labor Economics | ・Time Series Analysis |
・Financial System and Financial Regulation |
Notes: In addition to these elective courses, students can choose other courses provided by other programs as electives.
If you need more information, please contact us.