Call for Papers (IUJ faculty and students)
Call for Papers (IUJ faculty and students)
International University of Japan (IUJ) together with the Association of Sri Lankan Academics in Japan, International Center for Research & Development, and Sri Lanka Embassy in Japan will organize an International Conference on Asian Studies. Faculty members and students are cordially invited to participate and/or present your paper in this conference. President Shinichi Kitaoka will deliver a key note speech.
Dates: 20-21 June 2015
Venue: MLIC Hall, International University of Japan
Abstract submission deadline: Before 15 April, 2015
Theme: Challenges of Development in the 21stCentury: Asian Perspectives
Key Benefits for Participants
- Enhance your knowledge on development challenges in the 21st century
- Deepen awareness of Asian perspectives and approaches for developmental needs of the present context
- Opportunity to clarify your concerns with panel of academic experts and development consultants
- Opportunity to meet renowned diplomats and board of academic experts and researchers
- Recognition of your work on international platform as a participant or paper/poster presenter.
- All accepted abstract/full papers will be published in the conference proceedings both print and online version
- Identify your future collaborative partner among international, vibrant and scholarly audience.
Publication of Papers
The best papers of the registered participants will be published in the Asian International Journal ISSN 2279-1949 (Online) and all the other papers will be published as conference proceedings forward for indexing.
Special Registration fee for IUJ: Yen 5000 for faculty and 3000 for students. This fee includes conference materials, publication of abstract, lunch and snacks.
Contributors are invited in the areas including but not limited to:
- Economics, Management, Public Policy, Business, Language & Culture, Political Economy, Information Technology, Marketing, International Relations, and Religion
N. S. Cooray, Conference Co-Chair, Email:, Tel: 81-257791428
For more information, please visit the following conference web: